
Insidious will help keep your server moderated and entertained at the same time, with easy to access commands and full-time support Bot creater is Tenacity#6666 dm for support

Bot Features


Insidious has a built in embeded welcomer with a custom message and image. Easy setup - use !howtowelcome


Insidious offers all of the moderation commands and tools necessary for your staff to keep your server under control!


> Insidious has tons of economy commands to keep members entertained. Use !money to check some out


> Insidious has a built in music option for members to relax in a voice call and listen to some music, use !music for more info.


> Insidious makes it easy for you to keep your members engaged with suggestion channels, staff application channels, giveaways and more. !fun


> Insidious offers logging channels so you can keep track of who gets muted what roles get created who gets kicked or banned who receives a role and who gets warned


Total Servers


Total Users

All Commands

!help - see all bot comands
!inv - Invite bot
!support - see how to donate to our patreon
!fun - See the fun commands
!info - see server commands
!bot - see bot info
!money - see all economy commands
!grole - give role to user
!wallet - check money
!bank - check money and bank
!beg - beg for money
!announce - announce embedded message with ping
!servinv - send back server invite
!work - work and get money
!av - get pfp
!warn - warn mentioned user
!delchannel - delete channel(name)
!mute - mute mentioned user
!unmute - unmute mentioned user
!serverinfo - get current server info
!suggest - suggest to set suggestion channel
!kiss - kiss mentioned user
!hug - hug mentioned user
!rules - universal bot rules
!watchakira - watch akira the movie
!iq - check iq of you or optional mentioned user
!stocks - get richest users in current server
!daily - get daily money reward
!8ball - get 8ball answer example (!8ball am i cute?)
!ip - get fake ip of you or optional mentoned user
!kick - kick - kick mentioned user
!ban - ban entioned user
!warnings - check warnings of user
!warn - warn user
!leaderboard - server rankings

!Ban - ban mentioned
!Kick - kick mentioned
!Mute - Mute Mentioned
!Unmute - unmute(mentioned)
!Warn - warn(mentioned)
!Warnings - Check warnings(mentioned)
!grole - Give role (mentioned)
!trole - Take role(mentoned)
!rolecreate - Create role
!delchannel - Delete channel (name)
!channelcreate - create channel

!hug - hugs a user
!kiss - kisses a user
!rank - checks users rank
!number - random num
!today - time/date
!av -user pfp
!8ball - 8ball (question)
!ip - fake ip
!rquestion - random question
!meme - random meme
!trump - make trump tweet your message
!marry - (!yes/!no)
!slots - play slots and win money
!gamble money (ammount/red or black)
!google - google text
!reddit - reddit text
!imgsay - make text say message
!shrek - image text wit hshrek font
!youtube - youtubes message
!imposter - sends imposter with username
!water - sends water meme with message
!fortshop - sends todays fortnite shop
!hourly - hourly money
!daily - daily money
!beg - beg for money
!withdraw - withdraw to wallet from bank
!deposit - deposite to bank
!emoji - random emoji
!rs - role shop

!money - shows all money commands
!work - work for money
!rank - checks users level
!beg - beg for money
!explore - expedition for money
!slots -play slots for money
!gamble - gamble money and either win or lose money
!bank - check wallet and bank
!wallet - check wallet
!deposit/!withdraw - withdraw or deposit money to or from the bank
!daily - daily reward
!hourly - hourly reward
!stocks - shows servers richest users
!leaderboard - shows leading users by rank
!shop - buy items with your earned money
!property - check owned items
!rs - insidious's role shop
!setrs - instuctions on how to setup insidious's role shop

-(play song or playlist) m!play
-(skip) m!skip
-(list of songs in que) m!queue
-(playing) m!nowplaying
-(pause song) m!pause
-(repeat) m!repeat
-(resume song playing) m!resume
-(stop song) m!stop
-(change insudious’s volume) m!volume

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